Settings Module
A good user-friendly software allows its customers to customize and make changes to use the software according to their requirements.
Upload initial data:
To import the details of Products, Customers, and Vendors:
- Click on Settings
icon->Upload initial data->Choose file.
- Click on click here to download the template option to download template
- Select the required importing file, by clicking on search field.
- Then click on import button.
- Follow above steps for importing the details of your Products, Customers, and Vendors.
General Settings:
To customise the inventory module,
- Go to settings
icon-> General settings->inventory (from the list).
- In General Tab,
- You can set the default values for product category, product type, and product unit by clicking on the field.
- Select the required values from the available list.
- Select the checkbox to enable or diable the option to display the stock quantity, opening stock.
- In transaction Auto number tab, you can edit the format for the transaction auto generated number.
- In account mapping tab, you can map the accounts to use for the inventory transactions.
- Then click on submit button.
To customise the purchase module,
- Go to settings
icon-> General settings->purchase (from the list).
- In General Tab,
- You can set a default request type.
- In transaction Auto number tab, you can edit the format for the transaction auto generated number.
- In account mapping tab, you can map the accounts to use for the purchase transactions including discount, freight and advances amounts.
- In screen settings tab,
- You can set a default vendor detail.
- select the checkbox to enable/Disable certain values to be displayed in the purchase invoice, vendor payment and goods receive note.
- Then click on submit button.
To customise the sales module,
- Go to settings
icon-> General settings->sales (from the list).
- In General Tab,
- Select the checkbox to enable/disable certain options to be displayed in the module page.
- Select the checkbox to enable/disable certain options to be displayed in the module page.
- In account mapping tab, you can map the accounts to be used for the sales transaction including discount, freight and advances amounts.
- Then click on submit button.